Hot action and pure tension are often intensified during hot summer days. It is hard for gamers, even esports professionals, to stay focused. That is the reason we chose breathable fabrics for the RECARO Exo. The fabrics help to transfer heat away, allowing you to keep your head cool in all temperatures and in all situations. Thus, you can fully concentrate on your game and deliver top performance.

We have drawn on our decades of experience in the automotive sector to bring in the right foam in the RECARO Exo’s seat cushion. You will find it a decisive advantage when you are on the seat.

Der RECARO Exo Gaming Seat setzt bei der Materialauswahl auf Stoffe für lange Haltbarkeit und Atmungsaktivität.


Our choice of fabric ensures the highest quality for years. Structure and material properties are important for long durability and breathability in all situations. Working together with the foam and high-quality gas pressure spring, ensures shock absorption when sitting down. Sitting becomes an enjoyable experience as the foam contour and necessary firmness provides the perfect comfort.

Beim RECARO EXO Gaming Seat zählt neben der richtigen Stoffauswahl auch der Reibwert um ein optimales Spielerlebnis zu unterstützen.

The coefficient of friction is also important with fabrics. It always gives you the ideal support without you having to waste energy on compensating movements.

All efforts and attention to details were undertaken to ensure you remain energized, cool and always have a secure grip when playing.

Das Schalensitzdesign ist beim RECARO Exo Gaming Sitz die Basis für perfekte Ergonomie.


The shell seat design is the basis for perfect ergonomics. The design of the seat shell is considered the basis for perfect ergonomics. The dyed and grained plastic used for the shell is of high quality, robust and at the same time easy to clean. The entire supporting structure aims to provide your body with comfort, optimal seat pressure distribution and ergonomic support. Long gaming sessions are therefore possible to achieve.

Das Rückenlehnen Design des RECARO EXO Gaming Seats dient dazu den Spieler von der Umgebung abzuschirmen, damit er sich voll auf das Game konzentrieren kann.


The backrest design is intended to achieve many purposes. The wideness shields you from the surroundings, allowing you to fully concentrate on the action on-screen. This is important not only for esports professionals, but also for dedicated gamers who want to get the most out of competitive matches. At the same time, we have accounted for tall gamers, and provide perfect support up to their shoulder area.